Shah Halal: A Journey of Growth and Success with Our Support

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At Capital and Regional, fostering the growth of independent operators is a core part of our community strategy. One standout example is Shah Halal, an authentic halal food brand that started in one of our units in Wood Green. Through our tailored support, Shah Halal has thrived and is now expanding with a kiosk in our Ilford food court.

Building Success from the Ground Up

When Shah Halal first joined us, they were looking for more than just a location; they wanted a community that aligned with their values and offered growth opportunities. Wood Green, with its lively and diverse population, was the ideal starting point. We provided Shah Halal with insights into the local market, helping them to tailor their menu and offerings to meet the specific tastes and needs of the community.

From Unit to Kiosk: Strategic Expansion

Our partnership with Shah Halal didn’t end with their initial setup. We are committed to the ongoing success of our operators, offering continuous support and strategic advice. As Shah Halal’s popularity grew, it became clear that there was an opportunity to reach even more customers. We identified a prime location in our Ilford food court, perfect for a new kiosk that would attract a bustling, food-loving crowd.

Dedicated to Retailer Success

Our role goes beyond simply leasing space. We invest in our operators’ success by providing marketing support, strategic guidance, and a deep understanding of the local markets. This comprehensive approach ensures that our operators, like Shah Halal, are set up for long-term success.

Shah Halal’s journey from a single unit to expanding with a kiosk in Ilford is a testament to what can be achieved with the right support and strategic planning. Their success story exemplifies our commitment to helping independent operators grow and flourish.

If you’re an independent brand looking to expand, our team is here to help you achieve your goals. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can support your journey, just as we have with Shah Halal.

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