Our centres are more than just shopping centres, they are platforms for social, cultural and commercial prosperity.
Our centres are tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of the local communities and form a fundamental part of the community ecosystem. Our partners, the people we work with, help us to be more than just non-discretionary retail, we are spaces for communities to gather. We are the local shopping centre where toddlers have their first meal out, where teens embark on their first jobs, where the older generation come for support and interaction.
Check out our highlights and see what difference we are making.
‘Our ongoing focus on delivering our proven community strategy and increasing our exposure to non-discretionary and needs based retail and services categories has helped us deliver another positive set of results.
Occupier led demand has driven rental growth, underpinned a 9.7% increase in earnings and, with values also up slightly, given us the confidence to announce an increase to the dividend’.