Environmental Sustainability

Energy, Water and Waste Reduction

The introduction of lockdown restrictions throughout 2020 significantly impacted all of our centres’ operations; and in turn affected our electricity, gas and water consumption and waste generation. Water consumption and waste generation were significantly reduced as a result of lower footfall across our centres. We continued our regular operations ensuring the diversion of waste from landfill; through recycling and energy production through incineration. We continued programmes to divert food waste to anaerobic digestion, and continued the rollout of refillable water units across our centres. Through the lockdown, we regularly assessed our centres’ energy requirements and implemented changes to ensure our centres were operating efficiently while at reduced capacity, and where possible we have implemented these efficiencies permanently as the centres return to operating at full capacity.

Following Government guidance, we increased the ventilation within our centres to help mitigate the transmission of Covid-19 in enclosed spaces and protect the health and welfare of our guests, customers and employees. Maintaining an increased fresh air intake has resulted in additional gas consumption during 2020, however we have combatted this by continuing to develop new initiatives to reduce waste and increase recycling while supporting our essential retailer customers that remained trading. We have also ensured that we have the benchmarking and measurements in place to continue progress.

In 2020, Snozone successfully transitioned to 100% natural and renewable electricity for its venues and a key objective for 2021 is exploring how to transition all operations away from utilising gas.

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Environmental Sustainability

We work hard to ensure that the local communities and wider catchment areas that we serve are better places to be for all. 

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People & Community

Being a responsible business cannot be achieved without the support and active engagement of our colleagues.

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Our robust corporate  governance approach spans structure, organisational transparency, codes of conduct, risk, supply chain management, policy and impact measurement. 

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