People & Community

Employee Engagement

With the majority of our colleagues working remotely for a significant proportion of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, we have increased our focus on employee engagement.

We have continued to host our all staff Townhall meetings remotely with increased frequency to provide regular updates on the business. In addition to this we have introduced a new slot ‘Who am I?’ where colleagues, from across the business, can share their personal story to the wider business.


Employee Engagement surveys

In 2020, we undertook two Employee Engagement surveys to understand how our employees were managing working from home, their individual circumstances and how we could further support them while working remotely and returning to the office.

The annual Employee Pulse survey, completed in August, focused on wellbeing and culture and had a response rate of 97% (2019: 95%) and an overall score of 8.2 out of 10 (+5% improvement from 2019), highlighting both the willingness of our employees to provide feedback and their expectation that their feedback will be acted on.

Our Employee Net Promoter Score was +41 (+28% improvement from 2019) reflecting the strong engagement across the business. Snozone’s team satisfaction survey received an overall score of ‘Very satisfied’ 89% (2019: 85%).

Pulse 24/7

In November 2020, we launched our Employee Voice 24/7 tool which allows employees to provide feedback to the business on any issue or topic that is of importance to them. The tool is available 24/7 and ensures feedback remains anonymous. All feedback submitted is reviewed and acted on by the senior leadership team. Regular updates continue to be provided to employees on the themes emerging and the actions taken to address them.


Environmental Sustainability

We work hard to ensure that the local communities and wider catchment areas that we serve are better places to be for all. 

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People & Community

Being a responsible business cannot be achieved without the support and active engagement of our colleagues.

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Our robust corporate  governance approach spans structure, organisational transparency, codes of conduct, risk, supply chain management, policy and impact measurement. 

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