People & Community


2018 saw the launch of our own bespoke team training and recognition programme GEMs (Going the Extra Mile) across all our centres, which aims to ensure that our guests receive an exceptional experience when visiting our centres and engaging with our teams.

GEMs is a way of recognising and rewarding individual team members who have provided a consistent exceptional guest experience. To complement GEMs, we have also launched our Sparkler Awards for those one-off acts which are deserving of special recognition.

The whole programme has been welcomed by our teams and has already had a demonstrable positive impact on our mystery shopper scores recently conducted through Revo ACE awards scheme and has shown a huge improvement across all centres.


The Safe Place GEM

We continue to develop the GEM programme and in 2020 we launched the ‘Safe Place’ GEM in response to the introduction of Covid-secure measures.

This initiative received a nationally recognised award for being the first shopping centre business to achieve ‘World Host 2020 – Beyond Covid-19’ status. The Safe Place GEM recognises colleagues who have attained the WH2020 training standard, which has now been completed by 95% of our front-line employees.


Environmental Sustainability

We work hard to ensure that the local communities and wider catchment areas that we serve are better places to be for all. 

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People & Community

Being a responsible business cannot be achieved without the support and active engagement of our colleagues.

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Our robust corporate  governance approach spans structure, organisational transparency, codes of conduct, risk, supply chain management, policy and impact measurement. 

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